You control your career destiny

Student studying in the library, surrounded by shelves of books

Don't wait until your senior year!

From choosing a major to exploring different career options 和 finding internships to looking for part-time 和 full-time employment, we have the resources to help chart your course! The key is not waiting until it’s time to graduate.

A year-by-year student checklist

First-year students: EXPLORE

• Familiarize yourself with the resources 和 offices available to you on campus
•利用你的 Panther Job Board account for on- 和 off-campus employment 和 information on upcoming career events 和 workshops
• Meet with a career professional to discuss major 和 career exploration strategies
• Research majors available at LaGrange College (See “Choosing a major” below.)
• Take courses that interest you while fulfilling your academic goals
• Join a student organization 和 see summer job or volunteer opportunity to gain valuable experience

Sophomores: RESEARCH

• Research careers of interest using O *网在线The Occupational Outlook H和book to narrow down major options
• 访问 the Center for Leadership 和 Career Development to meet with a career professional 和 discuss career goals
• Draft your resume 和 have it reviewed by a career professional during drop-ins or scheduled appointment
• Conduct information interviews with professionals in your field of interest 和 set up job shadowing opportunities
• Take the Strong Interest Inventory 和/or MBTI to learn more about yourself
• Become a leader in student organizations 和 continue to test your interest through volunteering
• Gather information about internships, co-ops 和 study abroad opportunities


• Meet with a career professional to plan relevant experiential learning opportunities
• Update your resume 和 have the Center for Leadership 和 Career Development critique it during drop-ins or scheduled appointments
• Consider using your study abroad voucher to participate in global engagement opportunities
• Establish relationships with professors 和 supervisors from whom you want recommendations
• Build experience through related internships 和 part-time jobs

Seniors: NETWORK

• Meet with a career professional to plan your job search 和 transition from college
• Update your professional profile on Panther Job Board 和 LinkedIn
• Send tailored resumes 和 cover letters out to employers in whom you are interested
• Prepare for interview using 采访中,大 or schedule mock interviews with career professionals
• Attend career events, research 和 network with employers 和 alumni, 和 sign up for available on-campus interviews
• Evaluate job offers 和 make decisions
• 应用 for graduate school before Christmas Break if you plan to further your education

Choosing a Major
Think of choosing a major as a journey. Talk to one of the Career Development Center staff members; we are here to assist you on your journey!

Take advantage of:

  • Your college's course catalog: You will be amazed at the wealth of information you can find here!
  • Your professors: Our caring professors, including your academic advisors, are here to talk with you about the majors in which they teach. All have worked in their field, 和 all are experts about careers 和 career opportunities.
  • 你的同学, especially upperclassmen: These are the people who are deep into their major, perhaps already having had an internship or gone through job interviews.
  • Your family 和 friends: There's a wealth of information right at your fingertips. Next time you go home or call home, ask your family 和 friends of the family about majors 和 careers.
  • The Center for Leadership 和 Career Development: It is never too early or too late to visit the CLCD! There are plenty of resources for choosing a major 和 a career as well as internship 和 job information.